% klee + microclimates % Michael Stone % December 4, 2011 This week, we have a preliminary [Debianization] of [klee] (a.k.a. "nifty bug-finding software"), temporarily posted [over here] (in the "ubuntu" branch), and some even more preliminary thoughts on software [microclimates]; to wit: > I write software a bit differently from the way that most other people write > software. Partially as a result, my team generally writes software > differently from the way that other teams write software. > > Why is this? > > More specifically, how should we account for variation in software > development practices? For example, is the variation mostly due to > variation in knowledge, situation, organization, or...? > > Even more primitively, along which dimensions does software development > practice vary? > > What determines the cost to port software from one profile of > development practices to another? [Chris Aitchison]: http://chrisaitchison.com/ [software gardening]: http://chrisaitchison.com/2011/05/03/you-are-not-a-software-engineer [Debianization]: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ [klee]: http://klee.llvm.org [over here]: http://dev.laptop.org/git/users/mstone/klee [microclimates]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microclimate