% "What determines the size of the population of Wikipedians?" % Michael Stone % July 4, 2012 Let $n$ be Wikipedia's age in days. Yesterday, $W(n-1)$ people edited Wikipedia. Today, $W(n)$ people are editing Wikipedia. Tomorrow, $W(n+1)$ shall edit. What determines $W(n)$? How are $W(n+30)$ and $W(n+365)$ related to $W(n)$? Members of the Wikimedia community have been thinking for nearly a decade about questions like these. For example, a quick search for "*wikipedia more editors*" yielded these historical references: Year Article ----- ------------------------------ *2003* [Meta: Wikipedia needs editors](http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_needs_editors) *2006* [Wikipedia: Recruiting Editors Brainstorming](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Recruiting_Editors_Brainstorming) *2006* [Aaron Swartz: "Making More Wikipedians"](http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/morewikipedians) *2011* [Sue Gardner: "Nine reasons why women don't edit wikipedia (in their own words)"](http://suegardner.org/2011/02/19/nine-reasons-why-women-dont-edit-wikipedia-in-their-own-words/) *2012* [Signpost: "Foundation restructures to focus on editor retention"](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2012-03-26/News_and_notes#Foundation_restructures_to_focus_on_editor_retention) *2012* [NPR: "As Wikipedia gets pickier, editors become harder to find"](http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2012/07/19/157056694/as-wikipedia-gets-pickier-editors-become-harder-to-find) *2012* [Wikipedia: Editor Engagement](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Editor_engagement) Unfortunately, despite the long-standing interest that these questions have engendered, answers that are both convincing and comprehensive remain few and far between. In the following series of posts, I will suggest several ways that I have been learning to think about systems of questions like these. Some specific perspectives that I hope to touch on include: * [social psychology](../wikipedia-20121006/) * graphic & interaction design * dynamical systems * organizational theory and perhaps others as I discover them. :-)