% Defining Sugar % Michael Stone % July 11, 2010 Once upon a time, I asked some friends[^friends] to help me to distill my thoughts on Sugar into a definition short enough to be (potentially) memorable. On the off chance that it's still relevant, here's what we worked out: > *Sugar is a collection of affordances for action, reflection, and communication > chosen for their significance to learning.* > > * *Sugar promotes action because people learn by doing.* > > * *Sugar encourages reflection because people learn by discovering and > resolving confusions[^confusion].* > > * *Sugar stimulates communication because people learn from one another.* [^friends]: Most of the usual suspects pitched in; namely: [Walter], [Brian], [Bernie], [Asheesh], [Scott], [Chris], and [SJ]. [^confusion]: This linkage between reflection and confusion is inspired by John Boyd's 1976 paper ["Destruction and Creation"]. References to better explanations of the learning-value of reflection are most welcome. ["Destruction and Creation"]: http://goalsys.com/books/documents/DESTRUCTION_AND_CREATION.pdf [Walter]: http://walterbender.org/ [Brian]: http://evenmere.org/users/bts/ [Bernie]: http://codewiz.org/ [Scott]: http://cscott.net/ [Chris]: http://printf.net/ [Asheesh]: http://asheesh.org/ [SJ]: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/sj/